We expect brindle puppies after Eiyoshou Winner 2023 – Kurozane Go Fuen No Oka & our dark brindle princess Torami Go Wataky Kensha 🙂
We kindly inform you that around November 18, 2023, brindle akita puppies will be born in our kennel from the following super mating:
Father: EIYOSHOU Winner 2023, 2 x TOKUYUU Winner, Grand Champion of Poland, Champion of Poland, Junior Champion of Poland – KUROZANE GO Fuen No Oka
Mother: Torami GO Wataky Kensha – granddaughter of Satsuki Hime Go Shun’You Kensha (Meiyosho winner)
For more information, please contact us.
Best regards
Monika and Raphael